Empty S3 bucket by command
What’s the problem?
To delete the S3 bucket, we need to make them empty. If the bucket holds tons of data, would you be waiting for jobs in the AWS console
? From my experience, AWS console
is freezing after a while. These command lines help you to take them out. Please be aware that this will create a file in your local. aws s3api delete-objects
command will actually delete.
This was successful with Mac OS.
# List S3 keys and save to a file
aws s3api list-objects --output text --bucket ${BUCKET} --query 'Contents[].[Key]' | pv -l > BUCKET.keys
# Delete S3 keys from file
tail -n+0 BUCKET.keys | pv -l | grep -v -e "'" | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -P1 -n1000 bash -c 'aws s3api delete-objects --bucket ${BUCKET} --delete "Objects=[$(printf "{Key=%q}," "$@")],Quiet=true"' _
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