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Integration testing in Django

What we want to do here is creating test cases for mimicking a web browser works; sending a post request with test code. We want to develop a test case in our example. In our example, we can make a post request to API service by selecting a choice from each question. So, we create a test code for that case.

Snippet of test code

from django.test import TestCase 
from django.test import Client # [1]
from django.urls import reverse # [2]

from model_mommy import mommy 

class TestVoteViewIntegration(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client() 
        self.question_model = mommy.make('polls.Question')
        self.choice_models = mommy.make(

    def test_post_success(self):
        choice = self.choice_models[0]
        response = self.client.post(
                kwargs={'pk': choice.question.id}
            {'choice': choice.id},
        self.assertIn(302, response.redirect_chain[0])
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'polls/results.html')

    def test_post_failure(self):
        choice = self.choice_models[0]
        response = self.client.post(
                kwargs={'pk': choice.question.id}
        self.assertIn(302, response.redirect_chain[0])
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'polls/detail.html')

To create a test case, there will be 2 scenarios; success or failure. We create 2 test methods. The Client [1] from django.test work as a web browser. It can send requests and back. The reverse [2] helps us to determine the actual URL by string arguments. The string tag will be designated on the ‘urls.py’ file.

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