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Why do we need to separate settings files in Django?

In my case, when I collaborate with other developers, I feel a separation of settings file is required. Let’s say I use Mac and a colleague uses Windows. In that case, it is necessary to maintain two settings files. Or, if I want to test it in production mode in Django, then I don’t need to set DEBUG but in a development environment. I will turn on the DEBUG setting to find an error.

How to separate it?

  1. Create a folder named settings
    # at the project directory and the project name is 'mysite'
    $ mkdir mysite/settings 
  2. Move the original settings file and change its name
    $ mv mysite/settings.py mysite/settings/base.py
  3. Create a new settings file
    $ touch mysite/settings/dev_env.py
  4. Create init.py in the settings folder.
    # This makes the Django recognize the settings folder 
    # as a python package. 
    $ touch mysite/settings/__init__.py
  5. Instead of copying all relative settings override required changes. Please checkout this commit.

  6. Execute Django with settings option
    # make sure you are in pipenv shell
    (pipenv_name) $ python manage.py runserver --settings=mysite.settings.dev_env

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